This category contains volunteers with VRTS access willing to identify themselves on Commons using the {{User VRT}} template. A shorter list, sorted by language, is at Commons:Volunteer Response Team/List of members by language.
For a larger list of volunteers, including those not active on Commons, see m:VRT/Personnel and m:VRT/Users. There is a more comprehensive list of all VRT members available via meta:Special:GlobalUsers.
If you want help from any volunteer, use Volunteer Response Team Noticeboard. Private information can be sent as an email to permissions-commons
<nowiki>Wikimedia:VRTS; Önkéntes ügyfélszolgálat; Wikimedia VRTS; Википедия:VRT; Wikipedia:Support-Team; Wikimedia VRTS; ویکیپدیا:گروه داوطلب پاسخگویی; Wikipedia:志愿者回复团队; Wikipedia:VRTS; Wikipedia:VRTS; Wikipedia:VRTS; Wikipédia:VRTS; ויקיפדיה:VRTS; వికీపీడియా:Volunteer Response Team; Wikipedia:VRTS; Vikipedio:VRTS; Wikipedie:VRTS; Wikipedia:VRT; উইকিপিডিয়া:স্বেচ্ছাসেবক প্রতিক্রিয়া দল; Wikipédia:Équipe bénévole de réponse aux courriels; Wikipedija:VRTS; Wikimedia VRTS; Βικιπαίδεια:Εθελοντική ομάδα ανταπόκρισης; Wikipedia:Support-Team; Wikimedia VRTS; Vikipediya:VRTS; VRT; Wikipedia:VRTS; Wikipedia:VRT; Wikipedia:VRTS; Википедија:VRTS; Wikipedia:VRTS; ვიკიპედია:VRTS; VRT; Wikipedia:VRTS; ทีมอาสาสมัครตอบรับวิกิมีเดีย; Wikipedia:VRTS; വിക്കിപീഡിയ:Volunteer response team; Wikipedia:VRTS; Википедия:VRTS; Вікімедіа VRT; Vikipedi:Gönüllü iletişim ekibi; 위키백과:VRTS; Wikipedia:Como doar materiais; ويكيبيديا:فريق المتطوعين للرد; 维基百科:志愿者回复团队; Википедија:VRTS; Equipo Voluntario de Respuestas de Wikimedia; 問い合わせ対応ボランティアチーム; bénévoles répondant aux courriels envoyés à la Wikimedia Foundation; การทำงานตอบรับทิกเก็ตของวิกิมีเดีย; Wikimedia-projectpagina; Pagina di aiuto sul VRT; Đội ngũ hỗ trợ tình nguyện Wikimedia; Wikimedia's Open-source Ticket Request System software instance; Equipe da Wikimedia; Wikimedia-projekbladsy; উইকিমিডিয়ার ওপেন সোর্স টিকিট অনুরোধ সিস্টেম সফ্টওয়্যার উদাহরণ; Wikiviajes:OTRS; Wikipedia:VRTS; Wikimedia OTRS; VRTS; VRT; Wikimedia:Equipo Voluntario de Respuestas; ওটিআরএস; ভিআরটি; VRT; OTRS-kezelők; โอทีอาร์เอส; วิกิพีเดีย:ทีมอาสาสมัครตอบรับ; วิกิพีเดีย:โอทีอาร์เอส; วิกิพีเดีย:OTRS; วิกิพีเดีย:VRT; OTRS; EBRC; OTRS; VRT; Вікіпедія:VRT; VRT; Volunteer Response Team; Volontari Relazioni e Ticket; Volontari Risposte e Ticket; Volontari Responsabili dei Ticket; OTRS; OTRS (Викимедиа); ОТРС (Викимедиа); ОТРС; VRT; ВРТ; ВРТС; OTRS; OTRS; VRT; Đội Xử lý Tình nguyện; Volunteer Response Team; WP:VRT; VRT; WP:OTRS; Wikipedia:Volunteer Response Team; Wikimedia OTRS; OTRS; Volunteer Response Team; VRT; VRTS (Wikimedia); OTRS; Wikipedia:OTRS; Wikipedia:志工回覆團隊; Wikipedia:義務回覆隊; ויקיפדיה:OTRS</nowiki>
Wikimedia VRTS Wikimedia's Open-source Ticket Request System software instance |
Upload media |
Instance of | |
Part of | |
Main subject | |
Operator | |
official website |
Pages in category "Commons Volunteer Response Team volunteers"
The following 136 pages are in this category, out of 136 total.