Event: How to Stop a Mega-Prison
A member of Corporate Watch will be speaking at this event organised by Community Action on Prison Expansion.
We will be giving a short overview and timeline of the Prison Estates Transformation Programme – the Government’s programme to create 10,000 new prison places through a series of new mega-prisons across England. Find all our prison-related research here.
You can also download a copy of our Prison Island report here: https://corporatewatch.org/product/prison-island/
About this Event
When: Wednesday 21st October 2020 7pm – 8.30pm
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-stop-a-mega-prison-tickets-123519539267
Hear about campaigns against prisons, and find out how to get involved
The Ministry of Justice is building 10,000 new cages in the form of “mega-prisons”. The government is also planning to construct “women’s centres” (aka more prisons), “secure schools” (prisons for children, as young as twelve years old) and more immigration detention centres.
Politicians from across the spectrum continue to show off their new approaches to being “tough on crime:” through increasing police numbers, police powers and prison sentences – none of it reducing crime or violence, and instead filling up prisons, and feeding the ever growing prison industrial complex.
Prisons don’t solve social problems. They only reproduce neglect, abuse and suffering.
Covid-19 continues to cause a global recession, plunging people into deeper poverty. And the government is responding by fast-tracking new prison places to control rather than support those impacted, and gain ever greater control over populations marginalised by race, class and disability. Billions in public money is being spent on this project of misery, and private companies stand to make a huge profit.
Whilst this is bleak, together we can stop it. Communities have already halted mega-prison development in Port Talbot and Wigan, and stopped an immigration removal centre being built near Heathrow. Strong efforts continue to resist prison construction in East Yorkshire and for the total closure of the infamous Morton Hall.
Register to hear from people who have been involved in these successful and ongoing campaigns, learn about how such expansion has been challenged and how we can continue to fight against the rise of mass incarceration.
Accessibility information:
• The event will have BSL interpretation from start to finish
• We will finish promptly at 20.30 and there will be a break
• The event will be hosted on Zoom as a webinar
• Please get in touch if you have any other access requirements: info@cape-campaign.org