Author Archive
Vaccine Capitalism: a run-down of the huge profits being made from COVID-19 vaccines

Pharmaceutical companies and their bosses and shareholders stand to make billions
18 Mar 2021
Vaccine Capitalism: five ways big pharma makes so much money

The pharmaceutical industry is hugely profitable. The biggest pharma companies have
18 Mar 2021
Evelop / Barceló Group: deportation planes from Spain

The Barceló Group is a leading Spanish travel and hotel company
10 Mar 2021
The two sides of TUI: crisis-hit holiday giant turned deportation specialist

2020 was a rough year for the tourism industry, with businesses
27 Jan 2021
Hi Fly: airline profiting from deportations while owners decry ‘desperate plight of migrants’

The government’s attempts to hastily expel Channel-crossing migrants on charter flights
09 Oct 2020
Pemberstone Group: we profile the company trying to demolish 70 homes in a Leeds estate

After a two-year long battle by families to save their homes,
24 Sep 2020
Struggles for autonomy in Kurdistan

[responsivevoice_button] Kurdistan is currently divided between four countries: Iraq, Iran, Syria
20 May 2016
From Fascist to anti-militarist: An interview with a Turkish ex-soldier

[responsivevoice_button] By Tom Anderson and Eliza Egret Yannis Vasilis Yaylalı was
16 May 2016
Democratic autonomy in North Kurdistan: An interview with the Democratic Society Congress

[responsivevoice_button] Photo caption: Workers at a honey cooperative near Wan (Van
28 Apr 2016
Bail conditions used as a tool to limit political dissent: An interview with Pete Simpson

[responsivevoice_button] This is an interview with Pete Simpson, an anarchist activist
25 Apr 2016
Democratic confederalism in Kurdistan

[responsivevoice_button] Lead photo caption: A commune meeting in Amude in Rojava’s
18 Apr 2016
‘They stole my childhood’: The trauma of being a Kurdish child in the 1990s in Turkey

[responsivevoice_button] Lead photo caption: Children attending a demonstation in the cemetery
30 Mar 2016
International arms companies make a killing in Turkey: a case study of the Roboski Massacre

[responsivevoice_button] Lead Photo: Servet Encü in the village where he was
23 Mar 2016
Apartheid in the fields: From occupied Palestine to UK Supermarkets

[responsivevoice_button] Israeli agricultural export companies are profiting from the Israeli colonisation
18 Mar 2016
Turkey’s bloodiest massacre and displacement of the Kurds since the 1990s is happening now

[responsivevoice_button] Photo caption: Kurşunlu mosque in Amed. Damage is from bombardment
16 Feb 2016