Serco Company Profile

Serco PLC is one of the biggest outsourcing companies in the world. It provides consulting, call centres, IT and other services to companies, as well as running a bewildering array of previously public services that governments have contracted out. These range from swimming pools in Eastbourne to air traffic control in Sharjah. Serco says it delivers better services for less money. Critics say it makes them worse through cost-cutting and neglect.
You can find recent Corporate Watch articles on Serco in the bottom of the right hand column of this page, or by clicking here.
Click here for Serco’s head office and other basic details from the opencorporates website.
Click here for details of their latest profits and other financial results from the citywire website (scroll down the page).
There is also lots of useful information on Serco’s website:
- Click here to find out the types of services Serco is currently involved in.
- Click here to find out who Serco’s directors and board members are.
- Click here to download Serco’s latest annual report and accounts.
For a more critical perspective on their work, try Serco Watch.