Mitie Company Profile

Mitie started life as a cleaning company but now provides a range of “strategic outsourcing” services for business and government. These include building maintenance, catering, fire safety, pest control, security and, most notoriously, running immigration detention centres, where it has been accused of cost-cutting and abuse. Mitie has also been criticised for victimising and under-paying workers.
You can find recent Corporate Watch work on Mitie in the lower right hand column of this page, or by clicking here.
Click here for Mitie’s head office address and other basic details from the opencorporates website.
Click here for details of their latest profits and other financial results from the citywire website (scroll down the page).
There is also lots of useful information on Mitie’s website:
Click here to find out which sectors Mitie is currently working in.
Click here to find out who Mitie’s directors and board members are.
Click here to download Mitie’s latest annual report and accounts (right hand column).
For a more critical perspective on their work, try the IWGB Trade Union’s website.