Environment Archive
Frackanpada: Building the European anti-fracking movement

[responsivevoice_button] International anti-fracking camp to take place in Basque Country in
16 Jun 2015
Premier Oil plc Company Profile

Premier is an oil and gas exploration and production company. Founded
13 Jun 2015
Rio Tinto Company Profile

British-Australian mining multinational Rio Tinto has made huge profits for its
06 May 2015
Drax and White Rose: the Carbon Capture White Elephant

[responsivevoice_button] Campaigners warn Government against granting up to £1 billion of
19 Feb 2015
Trading under siege: the dying export industry in the Gaza Strip

[responsivevoice_button] Corporate Watch researchers visited the Gaza Strip during November and
03 Nov 2014
To the ends of the Earth: Underground Coal Gasification

[responsivevoice_button] UCG in the UK, and why we have to stop
29 Sep 2014
Mining PR drive in Mongolia

[responsivevoice_button] Mining companies are on a charm offensive in Mongolia, attempting
22 Sep 2014
Has the Green Investment Bank cleaned up its act?

[responsivevoice_button] The Green Investment Bank (GIB) has just published its second
17 Jul 2014
Guide to fracking and unconventional fossil fuels

[responsivevoice_button] From the dangers of fracking to the devastating effects of
18 Jun 2014
Lord Howell’s latest ‘frack the north’ gaffe

[responsivevoice_button] Osborne’s father-in-law: Frack “remote (derelict) areas” such as in the
13 May 2014
Ex-oil and gas worker among those convicted for blockading Cuadrilla

[responsivevoice_button] Four out of nine anti-fracking campaigners have been found guilty
07 Apr 2014
Anti-fracking defendants found not guilty as movement grows

[responsivevoice_button] Eleven anti-fracking campaigners have been found not guilty after a
09 Jan 2014
New insights into the destruction caused by the UK’s biomass policies

[responsivevoice_button] Almuth Ernsting from Biofuelwatch outlines Biofuelwatch’s new report Biomass: The
20 Dec 2013
Fighting repression of our movements

[responsivevoice_button] Tom Anderson, a researcher for Corporate Watch, has been stopped
23 Sep 2013
Lord Howell plots with fracking firms in Windsor dungeon

[responsivevoice_button] The Tory peer who said parts of the “desolate” north
12 Aug 2013