Coming Soon: WORLDS END!

Doom, despair, denial, depression, IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!
These are common reactions when people learn about the reality of climate change.
Similarly, sometimes when people think about capitalism it can seem as though nothing can be done to change it, that it’s too big, too strong, that maybe that’s just the way the world is.
But things change, worlds end. New ones begin…
Part of what prevents action on these big issues is the way people tend talk, think and feel about them. Using words and pictures, this new comic aims to help people understand climate change and capitalism and encourage a different approach, one that builds power to fight them.
Corporate Watch will soon publish ‘Worlds End’, dealing with climate change and capitalism and tackling some of the most difficult issues relating to the global ecological crises we are faced with. The comic has been produced so it will be understandable and appealing to those new to the politics of climate change, but still fresh and useful to those that have spent a lifetime campaigning on the environment. It will be published later January 2019, and available from the Corporate Watch website. Let us know if you would like to write a review of the comic and we’ll send you a copy in the post.